
What is eleuthero root extract used for feeding nutrition?

2022-11-17 09:41:30

Eleutheroside is one of the main bioactive components of Acanthopanax, which is mainly distributed in the roots and rhizomes of Acanthopanax. Its components are eleutheroside A (carotin), eleutheroside B (syringin), eleutheroside B1 (isoquinolidine glucoside), eleutheroside C (ethyl galactoside), eleutheroside Aricoside D and E (2 isomers of syringenol diglycoside). In addition, there are components such as ferulic acid glucoside, caffeic acid, sinapaldehyde, isoferidin and sesamin and isovanilla aldehyde.


Acanthopanax polysaccharides are divided into two categories: alkaline polysaccharides and water-soluble polysaccharides, including glucose, fructose, arabinose, etc., which are immune active components and are mostly distributed in rhizomes and seeds. The main components of alkaline polysaccharides are AS-I and AS-II; the main components of water-soluble polysaccharides are PES-A and PES-B; —B is mainly 1,3-a-D-glucopyranose and aldopyranose.


The acanthopanax senticosus (eleuthero) root extract can support the immune system, restore abnormal hypotension, improve the circulatory system, and normalize the disordered glucose and lipid metabolism.


siberian eleuthero is used as a feed additive in various animal production (mainly pigs and chickens), which can improve the production performance of animals. Adding wildcraft eleuthero root extract to the feed can increase the egg weight and egg production rate of laying hens, reduce the feed-to-egg ratio, and prolong the laying period; at the same time, eleuthero solid extract can also improve the survival rate of broilers and reduce the feed rate Meat ratio; In addition, the application of eleuthero ginseng on fattening pigs can make the survival rate and daily body weight of fattening pigs higher than that of the antibiotic control group, while the feed-to-meat ratio is lower than that of the control group.


Acanthopanax senticosus polysaccharide can significantly improve the ability of cells to produce interferon. Acanthopanax polysaccharides can also increase the activity of CTL to kill target cells, activate natural killer cells and phagocytes, promote the proliferation of concanavalin A, and induce the secretion of interleukin-2 (IL-2) by mouse splenocytes , there is a dose-dependent relationship between its induction and dose. 


Ref.: Jiang Ping. Veterinary biological products [M]. 2 editions. Beijing: China Agricultural Press. 2003: 167—168. 

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