
Nitrosation Inhibition in Dry-cured Bacon by Ginger Extract

2022-12-18 15:39:13

Nitrite is an additive widely used in the processing of cured meat products. It can inhibit the growth of spoilage microorganisms, help protect the color of meat, endow the product with a unique flavor of cured meat, and delay lipid oxidation. However, during the processing of meat products, nitrite and nitrate will undergo nitrosylation reactions with amino acids and amines, the degradation products of protein in meat, to form N-nitrosamines. Ingestion of foods containing excessive nitrosamines can cause damage to the liver, kidneys and platelets, and induce malignant digestive system diseases such as esophageal cancer.


China has strict restrictions on nitrosamine residues in food. GB 7677-1998 stipulates that N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in meat products should not exceed 3 μg/kg. The content shall not exceed 10 μg/kg. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stipulates that the total N-nitrosamine content in retail food should not exceed 10 μg/kg. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the production technology to control the nitrosylation level and reduce the content of nitrite and nitrosamine in the production process of cured bacon products to improve the safety and quality of cured bacon.


Phenolic compounds have the functions of scavenging free radicals, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, chelating metal ions, anti-cancer and anti-mutation. Fruit and vegetable ingredients or extracts rich in polyphenols, such as grape seed extract, tea extract, berries, etc., have been widely used in meat processing.


Ginger Root is a plant with both medicinal and edible uses, and it is also an important spice seasoning. Its main active ingredients, gingerol and flavonoids, belong to phenolic compounds, which can play an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory role by scavenging free radicals and chelating metal ions. , Inhibit the effect of oxidation activity. Ginger extract can effectively inhibit the accumulation of biogenic amines, the precursors of nitrosamines.


Ginger extracts are mostly gingerols, including zingerone, curcumin, 6-shogaol, 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, 4-gingerol, tetrahydrocurcumin and demethoxycurcumin etc. Gingerols have the potential to scavenge nitrite and reduce the accumulation of nitrosamines, and are natural extracts that effectively inhibit the accumulation of nitrosamines.

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