
Biological activity of red beetroot (Beta vulgaris rubra)

2022-12-19 12:08:04

In recent years, red beetroot has received a growing interest due to its abundant source of bioactive compounds, particularly betalains. Red beetroot betalains have great potential as a functional food ingredient employed in the food and medical industry due to their diverse health-promoting effects. Betalains from red beetroot are natural pigments, which mainly include either yellow-orange betaxanthins or red-violet betacyanins.


As a source of nitrate, beetroot ingestion provides a natural means of increasing in vivo nitric oxide (NO) availability and has emerged as a potential strategy to prevent and manage pathologies associated with diminished NO bioavailability, notably hypertension and endothelial function. Beetroot is also being considered as a promising therapeutic treatment in a range of clinical pathologies associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. Its constituents, most notably the betalain pigments, display potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemo-preventive activity in vitro and in vivo.


Recent modern studies have shown a variety of health benefits for red beetroot extract powder and its active compounds betalains (also betanin) such as antioxidative, anti-inflammation, anticancer, blood pressure and lipid lowering, also antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects. Betanin, the main component of the red beetroot, is a betalain glycosidic pigment, which is used as a food additive.

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